Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Where Did I Go, Seriously?

It's been nine days since I last posted. I can only imagine the shock this has been to my faithful readership. Let me say that I am alive and well. I survived the October 5th with flying colors (although the 6th was a tad painful) and am ready to take the world by storm.

There are many interesting things going on in my life and the world at large; lots to comment on to be sure. Hopefully I'll find some time to do just that, and maybe back fill a few events that happened since I last posted.

I hope all of you remembered to vote, today being the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. From the looks of it, I'm going to be about 50/50 on my initiative votes and pretty much a sweep on the candidates... but that's not really saying much as it's Seattle and you all you have to do is vote Left and you're pretty assured to vote with the majority.

I'm going to miss such reliability when I move.

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